

Get your winter clothes out, everyone, because the Cooking with Nonna train is making a stop in Tuscany.  Before a trip to the inestimable wine country, and perhaps right before we head out for a stroll to visit the beautiful arts of Florence, Nonna Nina will spend some time in the kitchen with us to show us how to make the quick and easy northern special, Petti di Pollo al Limone (Chicken breast with lemon sauce).

If every Nonna has one defining ingredient, one irrepressible staple by which she intimately watermarks her personality on a meal.  For Nonna Nina, that is butter.  Now, let me say, there's not an over abundance of it in our lemon infused chicken, but as long as you remember to eat things in moderation, you shouldn't be scared of using butter at all!  What really makes the dish, I think, is the tenderness of the chicken as it comes from the oven.  It retains the crispiness from the pan, but after baking it becomes so tender you'll scarcely remember you own knives at all.

I would like to thank Nonna Nina for sharing her recipe with all of us.  Her zest for cooking is matched only by the joy in working alongside her as she tends to her passion.  In her words, "Life is short, eat dessert first."

Tanti Baci,
