
The joy of an espresso early in the morning... One of Italy's most well known contributions is the humble espresso. Its creation is attributed to a businessman named Luigi Bezzera in the early 20th century. He had been experimenting with coffee to see how to brew it quickly and thus was born the concept for the espresso we know and love. 

At La Bottega, we are pleased to curate some of the finest coffees imported from Italy as well as source authentic Moka pots and other wares for your coffee routine. You can enjoy your espresso or cappuccino in our collection of Dolce Vita Cups. These cups are made of porcelain and have a vintage design reminiscing of the Dolce Vita days in Italy. You'll be transported to your favorite cafe` in a piazza in Italy with just one sip. We've also developed delicious recipes that make fine additions to your coffee break. 

Recipes to help you enjoy La Dolce Vita:

Munch on an Almond Coffee Cookie
Whip up Cappuccino Muffins 
Savor a cup of Crema di Caffè
Prepare a Tiramisu a la Rossella's Mamma Angela 

Shop all things coffee in Nonna's Coffee Corner