Female Nonna Can cook like a Nonna!
A unique and light dish but inviting because the linguini are enriched with tuna in olive oil.
{actor} E' freschetto, ci vorrebbe un bel piatto di brodo per riscaldarci.
Basic Information:
Female -
Life Degree
Nonna -
Culinary Level
Can cook like a Nonna! -
About me
I was born in Abruzzo, Italy and came to the US in 1957. I am a wife, mother of two, grandmother of three, owner of Elisa’s Custom Creations, and an avid gardener.
I posses a strong work ethic – working hard, complaining little. My success is measured by my family happiness. I am real and authentic, assertive and opinionated, and lastly creative.
My mottos: "Less is more" and "Quality over quantity ".