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{actor} I mourn the end of the United States of America. The name will still be used for the empire of the dictator-in-chief. He will fly the flag he doesn't deserve to touch. But the nation that was born in 1789 on the foundation of the American Revolutionary War no longer exists. We might as well burn the Constitution, because it has now been... Show more

{actor} If you have not registered to vote, do it now! You are the government. Those guys in Washington are your hired servants. Vote!

ralphytroy and {target} are now friends 12 years ago

{actor} I am truly impressed that the man who promised to stop the rising sea levels can also predict with accuracy where lightning will strike three days hence. If he loses the coming election, he should be able to avoid being on the street by picking up a little pocket money as a weather forecaster. He must be better at that than he is at... Show more