

My Golden Pots:
New Member
My Nonna Points:
Member of La Famiglia since:
Female Nonna Pretty Good!

{actor} I'm so mad I didn't win the lottery yesterday! I had such plans....

{actor} blessings - love, family, friends, God, a roof over your head, food on the table, your health, your faith, and whatever else you have to be thankful for. Many people have none of the above, many only have God and the faith that things will be better! PLEASE... especially at this time of year and w

{actor} time to be thankful for your blessings - love, family, friends, God, a roof over your head, food on the table, your health, your faith, and whatever else you have to be thankful for. Many people have none of the above, many only have God and the faith that things will be better! PLEASE... especia

{actor} This is a time of Thanksgiving. A time to be thankful for your blessings - love, family, friends, God, a roof over your head, food on the table, your health, your faith, and whatever else you have to be thankful for. Many people have none of the above, many only have God and the faith that things will be better! PLEASE... especially at... Show more

{actor} What's on my mind? This "new" commercial holiday - Black Friday... If I hear ONE MORE store opening at 8:00 p.m. Thanksgiving evening for "Black Friday" shopping, I am totally going to lose it!!!! In my family we were still sitting at the table, having dessert well after 8:00 p.m. - enjoying time together, playing a game, or just starting... Show more

rossella rago and {target} are now friends 12 years ago
ralphytroy and {target} are now friends 12 years ago

{actor} Looking forward to learning new recipes and meeting new friends new recipes and meeting new friemds!

Looking forward to learning new recipes and meeting new friemds!