Male Nonno Can get by!
Domenico sang this song in both Italian and Spanish, specially for Latin America. Him, along with a generations of Italian singers (Nicola Di Bari, Luigi Tenco, Gianni Morandi, Adriano Celentano, or MIna, Gigliola Cinquetti, Rafaella Carra, etc) made it to the Latin American public. I remember growing up listening to them (actually Morandi has...
Operaverdi is friends with rossella rago
Good for dancing, but I prefer the ballad version. Enough said.
A delicious version of Penne Arrabiata. The cherry peppers contribute a unique taste to a spicy tomato sauce. A good Pinot Noir goes well with this
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Nonno -
Culinary Level
Can get by! -
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Vecchio ma robusto.