Back from the NIAF Gala and Convention!

Back from the NIAF Gala and Convention!
I couldn't have been happier this year to Washington to attend the 2012 National Italian American Foundation Gala.  I had attended two years ago and made a speech about Italian American youth, but thi...
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7986 Hits

Happy Nutella Day!

Happy Nutella Day!
      ALAS! It's here! The day of all days! It's National Nutella Day my friends! My favorite substance ever invented.  To me, it is truly the divine food of the Gods.  A glorious, chocolatey velour o...
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8031 Hits

A Cake for Your Valentine!

A Cake for Your Valentine!
    Ciao a tutti, Tis the season of love and heartfelt togetherness!  That's right guys and gals, the fat, rosy cherub of Valentine's Day has all but arrived, and you know what that means: chocolate! ...
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5738 Hits

More Nutella for All!

More Nutella for All!
    Ciao a Tutti, With Nonna Rina's homemade ravioli still fresh in the mind (and most of my freezer), we're going to head back to my kindly kitchen to literally whip up another Nutella-based dessert ...
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5652 Hits

I Love Nutella!

I Love Nutella!
    Ciao a Tutti, So here we are, Monday night, and you're all pasted to your computers  in eager anticipation of this week's fabulous nonna and her recipe that she's brought along from the farthest r...
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7147 Hits