At the Seattle Festa Italiana - 2012

At the Seattle Festa Italiana - 2012
Hello Friends! With the cool hints of fall in the air, and with the help of my glorious sponsor, Saeco Espresso , I headed to Seattle for the second year last week to be a part of Seattle Festa Italia...
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11259 Hits

Arrivederci Seattle

Just a few days ago I have come back from one of the most memorable experiences of my life... a trip to Seattle to host La Festa Italiana ! I must confess that Seattle is absolutely a jewel of a city ...
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Festa Italiana - Seattle

Festa Italiana - Seattle
  My Dear Friends, I'm so excited to have been invited as the Special Guest at the Festa Italiana in Seattle which will take place on September 24 & 25, 2011. At this event I will be doing a demo on e...
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9770 Hits