Male Nonno Pretty Good!
Basic Information:
Male -
Life Degree
Nonno -
Culinary Level
Pretty Good! -
About me
I'm a plain old Italian/German American (if you can call that plain!) and I like to cook. I spent a lot of time with my nonna in the kitchen in my youth but don't remember a lot of specific recipes. That's why this site is like "going home" for me, it brings back memories of those warm summer days & delicious kitchen aromas.
There were also the occasions of making, pasta, pizza bread, Easter bread, sauce, and so much more, all of it totally delicious.
It was hard to nail down recipes too because nonna always threw in a handful of this and a pinch of that...she knew exactly how much was supposed to go in and hit it right every time.
I'm grateful that someone cared enough to make a serious attempt to preserve this valuable part of the Italian heritage before it's gone forever.