Female Daughter Can cook like a Nonna!
Congratulations on your marriage...many,many,many years of love and happiness...
Today I am baking Christmas cookies and listening to Italian music..Life doesn't get any better than this..I am in heaven right now
They had a strong liquor taste when we tried one but then we left them in the fridge and let them rest and the taste calmed down a little. they are Awesome!!
9 years ago
getting ready to make them today...Thank you Rossella..I will post when they are done..
9 years ago
9 years ago
{actor} There is only 2 things that are important..1 is family and 2 is being Italian
Basic Information:
Female -
Life Degree
Daughter -
Culinary Level
Can cook like a Nonna! -
About me
I am 100% Italian and grew up with my Nonna living upstairs from our family and have learned from her and my mother how to cook old school. I am a really good baker. I have 7 sisters and 2 brothers.