Cooking with Nonna Ann Marie

Cooking with Nonna Ann Marie
    With the bustling north slowly shrinking in our rear window, we've decided to do some defrosting in Abruzzo.  We're in Pescara this week, a lively coastal town known the world over for its seafood...
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5668 Hits

Cooking with Nonna Nina

Cooking with Nonna Nina
    Get your winter clothes out, everyone, because the Cooking with Nonna train is making a stop in Tuscany.  Before a trip to the inestimable wine country, and perhaps right before we head out for a ...
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2614 Hits

Welcome Back Nonna Carmen

Welcome Back Nonna Carmen
  Because I'm a sucker for the cold weather (not really), we're going to spend another week in the snow-capped comfort of the Alps and the warm, inviting kitchens of the north.  This week transports u...
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6964 Hits

Season Two is Here

Season Two is Here
  Welcome, everyone, to the very first webisode of Season Two!  We're thrilled to be back with new webisodes, new recipes, and most importantly, new Nonne!  To get the new season off to a proper start...
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5610 Hits

Nonna Marisa is Back

Nonna Marisa is Back
  Ciao a Tutti! Continuing the noble tautology from last week, we're going to be re-running another very popular Cooking with Nonna webisode as we dot the I's, cross the T's, and tie up all of the oth...
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5665 Hits

Nonna Rosalia is Back

Nonna Rosalia is Back
  Ciao a Tutti! Recycling is a wonderful thing, something that everyone should do, in fact. And it's with that tutelage in mind that we are endeavoring to do the same with this week's episode, the gra...
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5606 Hits

Nonna Yolanda Closes the First Season

Nonna Yolanda Closes the First Season
  Ciao a Tutti! With the coming of the autumn weather, we are witness to yet another ending of the natural cycle. Since no one can improve on nature, tonight will see the closing of our very first sea...
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5450 Hits

My Nonna is Back

My Nonna is Back
  Ciao a Tutti! I'd like to welcome you to a very special week here at Cooking with Nonna.  My very own Nonna Romana returns to teach us one of the most coveted recipes in all of Italian cooking: Focc...
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8298 Hits

Welcome Back Nonna Yolanda Agostino

Welcome Back Nonna Yolanda Agostino
  Ciao a Tutti! I hope everyone had a wonderfully (and ironically) relaxing Labor Day!  Now that all of our white clothing is safely tucked away for the winter, soon the leaves will be dropping off of...
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5944 Hits

Cooking with Nonna Yolanda Calligaro

Cooking with Nonna Yolanda Calligaro
  Ciao a Tutti! Just because the summer sun has begun to set, doesn't mean it's too late to whisk ourselves off to a foreign destination.  This week, we're sending our taste buds on one last summer ho...
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6024 Hits

Cooking with my Nonna

Cooking with my Nonna
  Ciao a Tutti! This week on Cooking with Nonna, my very own Nonna Romana will be on hand to show us the ins-and-outs of the notoriously curly octopus.  "Polpi in Acqua Loro" (Octopus in its own water...
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7604 Hits

Cooking with Nonna Yolanda Agostino

Cooking with Nonna Yolanda Agostino
  Ciao a Tutti! We are back in business this week, and with us between the burners is the invigoratingly vibrant Nonna Yolanda. After our one week hiatus I'm anxious to get back in the kitchen and Non...
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6646 Hits

On Vacation

On Vacation
Ciao a Tutti! Since the summer is slowly dripping toward a close, I've decided to jump on the bandwagon and take part in a great American (and certainly Italian) tradition of going on vacation and cel...
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6227 Hits

Cooking again with Nonna Marisa Rini

Cooking again with Nonna Marisa Rini
Ciao a Tutti! I'd like to welcome you to the very first day of Rabbit Season here on Cooking with Nonna!  Incidentally, it is also the last day of Rabbit Season on Cooking with Nonna (where does the t...
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6155 Hits

Cooking Again with Nonna Rosetta Rauseo

Cooking Again with Nonna Rosetta Rauseo
  Ciao a tutti! It's a Sunday dinner kind of Monday here at Cooking with Nonna, and this week we are going to be making the most traditional Sunday dinner of them all - Homemade Cavatelli with Ragu `....
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8503 Hits

Cooking again with Nonna Rosalia Caravella

Cooking again with Nonna Rosalia Caravella
Ciao a Tutti! Now that the dishes have been washed from the weekend, it's time to start anew!  For this week, we're going to be treated by another indomitable, effervescent, and aromatic visit from No...
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6284 Hits

Cooking again with Nonna Anna Buonsante

Cooking again with Nonna Anna Buonsante
  Ciao a Tutti! With summer finally at full voice, we're making a return trip to the Adriatic sun-soaked Mola di Bari in the region of Puglia .  Sharing the seat next to us in our beautifully appointe...
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8657 Hits

Cooking with Nonna Marisa Rini

Cooking with Nonna Marisa Rini
  Ciao a Tutti! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday weekend!  Now that we've managed to slowly pull ourselves away from the barbecue, it's time to get back to the kitchen so we can work on quick an...
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25455 Hits

Cooking with Nonna Rosetta Rauseo

Cooking with Nonna Rosetta Rauseo
  Ciao a Tutti! A new Monday means a new episode of Cooking with Nonna!  This week, we’ll be showcasing the most favored part of any meal -- you guessed it -- dessert!  Nonna Rosetta , from the region...
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9649 Hits

Cooking with Nonna Rosalia Caravella

Cooking with Nonna Rosalia Caravella
  Ciao a Tutti! In this week's episode, I'll be making " Pasta con Sarde " (Pasta with Sardines), perhaps one of the most traditional dishes from the beautiful island of Sicilia .  Here to help give u...
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8313 Hits